#john definitely wasn't the best dad but he was good father
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thedeadedhooman · 7 months ago
screaming crying shaking throwing up
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sam is 22 here by the way
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sandyseagullsip · 7 months ago
Eh, ill come up with a title later.
Part 2
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Sure, Simon is your brother's best friend. Your brother practically begged your father to hire him to work on the farm. He isn’t bad at his job either, just… a little odd. And quiet. And slightly unnerving.
And sure, you are just his best friend’s sister. You were the first one to greet him when he came to work for the first time because everyone else was asleep. You’re helpful too, just… beautiful damned distracting.
Your father still has you work, though, even with Simon helping. But, of course, he is still wary of Simon. Not that he doesn’t trust Simon (he doesn’t), but you are his only daughter, and he feels the need to protect you to the ends of the earth. That doesn’t stop Simon from stealing glances and thinking about you. Like when he helped you with the cows for the first time.
A baby calf had gotten separated from its mother— and the other cows, for that matter— and was now stuck in the chain link fence. The way the calf was stuck made you nervous to move her… but you were able to get her out. 
Trying to pick her up was a different story.
The damned thing was so heavy for her being small— a healthy-sized calf, around 82 to 85 pounds. After multiple tries, the man who had been silent since the day he’d first seen you came up to you and said something.
“You’ll throw your back out doin’ tha’ love.” He had grumbled at you.
And with ease, he picked up the calf, waiting for you to show him where to put her. He followed behind you, with the occasional ‘moooooo’ from the calf. Upon returning the calf, he smiled at you and brushed off his shirt.
“Don’t be afraid t’ ask for help. Don’t wanna see y’ get hurt, and I definitely don' want t’ hear your father complain about it.” Simon told you, tipping his hat slightly.
Simon was on tractor duty now, as you and your brother tended to the livestock.
“You like him?” He asks you, grabbing the chicken feed.
“He works hard, John, it’s respectable.” You reply.
“Not what I asked you. Do you like him?”
“He’s a good person.”
John sighs, motioning for you to take the feed from him. 
“You know dad doesn’t like him.” He mentioned.
Do you like him? You respect him, you think he's responsible, helpful, all that jazz… but do you like him?
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Simon, on the other hand, already had an answer to his side of the question. He liked you. He really liked you. And he had decided that he was going to have you.
And John knew this, and he wasn't going to let you ruin his friendship with Simon.
And Simon knew this, and he was going to make sure he got you under your family's radar.
He was good at that sort of thing, getting his job done and leaving like only a ghost (ha.) was there.
So, from now on, any favors you want from him will be done, and much more. He wants to see you happy, and he'll make sure he does.
If it's carrying a cow, or picking a bouquet (that he'll never admit to picking himself), he'll do whatever it takes to make you love him smile.
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Note: not proofread, just wanted to get it out there.
for @beautifulcherryblossompeach.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 1 year ago
Comfort Headcanons And Scenarios Of Cod Men With Your Kid
Basically CoD characters comforting your kid. (Single parent Reader)
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Synopsis: He has a romantic relationship/connection with you (Singleparent!Reader) and he comforts your little one, making you further realize how much he loves and cares about you and your little one.
Characters Included: John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, John "Soap" MacTavish, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Alejandro Vargas, Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra.
Taglist: @puff0o0 @wishesforyou @simping4konig @blingblong55 @azereus @rustic-guitar-notes @shadofireshinobi @09maruchan @anonymuslydumb @skeletalgoats @icarustypicalfall @ghosts-cyphera @cutenote @connorsui @capuccino192 @miss-gms-and-the-rotten-womb @celestialhole @trepaika @starryylies
This is short but I'm back lovelies! This was originally posted on January 7 however I posted it too early :)) AND YES I KNOW I'VE USED THE PIC IN THE MIDDLE SO MANY TIMES NOW, CAN'T HELP IT IT'S TOO DAD!COD CODED.
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That 1k special really took it's time didn't it? Sorry you guys, it needs to cook a little more. I do want to thank you all for how far I've made it despite going through a lot. The messages I've been receiving regarding puff definitely have not gone unappreciated and I hope things take a good turn from here. @blingblong55 has been craving some Dad!Ghost content and even though this doesn't really count for now, this should at least be like a little snack for y'all and her.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
❥ Simon never really considered himself a family man, but damn did that all change when you and your little one made your way into his lives and worm yourselves in his heart.
❥ Whether Simon likes it or not, it breaks him to see your child upset. It could be something small like they're craving a certain kind of food or a scratch on their knees from taking off the training wheels on their bike but Simon was always and I mean always there.
❥ So much so that your little one started calling him something that you didn't even know about till later. Overhearing them as Simon took the initiative to feed her while you finished off some chores. You put the mop down only to hear them talking, you peek into your kitchen..
"Daddy!" Your eyes widened as you heard your little one squeal.
Simon tried his best to deny and dodge your kid calling him their dad, trying to correct them and pass it off as a mistake.
It was taken as an offense and their lips started quivering, their cheeks becoming even more chubby as their lips steadied to a pout. Simon sighed in defeat, patting their little back, trying his best to take back what he said.
Only to have them squeal then call him "dada", "daddy", and "dad" repeatedly while they squish Simon's face between their little hands.
"I love you, dada" It was almost inaudible with how butchered it was but you and Simon knew your little one the most, it was easier for both of you to know what they're trying to communicate even with the words and letters they had difficulty pronouncing.
You saw how Simon teared up, he refuses to cry but no matter what he did, his body was saying otherwise.
He couldn't help himself, he held the little one closer to his chest seemingly hugging them tighter. He kissed the top of their head over and over having his eyes closed, you could've sworn you heard a sniffle if it wasn't for the giggle of your child.
Little thing has him wrapped around their little chubby fingers.
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John Price
❥ John was always protective of those put in his care, that being said, when you walked into his life with the little munchkin trailing behind, he became far more of a father figure than he was before.
❥ The more he interacted with the both of you, the more he toyed on the possibility of being with you, being there for them. Something he never thought of having due to risk, a family to call his own.
❥ The aggressive pats on his men = tight hugs from him to your little one after they said they missed him. It wasn't really a surprise to you when your kid starting confiding more to John, being more attach to the man as another parental figure.
John decided for the first time ever to take your kid with him to work, though sure it was just a short visit due to him wanting to finish up something however your child seem to think otherwise.
It was intimidating, huge ceilings, long hallways dreaded to be in no color. Overstimulated to say the least, it was difficult being in a new environment for your child.
Especially all the new people they get to see, "I don't like it here.. it's dark and scary.." It wasn't really dark however it was quite dim. John took initiative and picked them up in his arms, telling them short stories of what they used to do on base.
Slowly, they came to the realization that they were safe there and no one would harm them. Being a shy kid now open to meet their dad's co-workers and second family. (Might as well be their brothers)
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John "Soap" MacTavish
❥ Honoring everyone's headcanon of Johnny having a big family, I'd like to think he does, few brothers and sisters and a ton of cousins.
❥ Surely Johnny knows his way around kids, though not liking those ones in family gatherings as much.
❥ Meeting you, Johnny was a little too ecstatic finding out you have a little one of your own. More often the two spent a ridiculous amount of time together, he was living for it, one of his ways to show his love your you and your kid.
Johnny held the bike up, guiding to help your kid as they've been asking him over and over again to teach them ride a bike without training wheels.
After a while he lets go of the bike and it manages to go smoothly until they got distracted and hit a nearby tree. Johnny quickly rushed to them hoping they weren't hurt too bad, he was met with a teary eyed child covering their knee.
"It's alright, it's a wee wound. Nothing on my big strong kiddo right?" To Johnny's surprise, it worked. They wiped their tears away, putting their arms in the air, signaling Johnny to carry them.
You got them patched up in a bandaid and a kiss on their knee from you then back it was spending time with Johnny instead indoors this time around. (Little thing made Johnny kiss the boo-boo too, how could he deny such a sweet request <3)
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
❥ We've established this before but Kyle is extremely good with kids without even trying, so having this man in your life makes it feel like it's easy most times.
❥ Even if Kyle didn't come from a big family or have any experience with children except for the ones he rescued a while back, he's a natural. Giving the kid space to explore their little curiosities if it's safe enough.
❥ Seeing your child having a panic attack was a lot harder for him than it was back when he had to comfort kids he rescued from being hostages..
Kyle woke up to the sounds of heavy and shaky breathing, not to mention something or rather someone pulling on his clothes. He opened his eyes to find his little light teary eyed.
"Shhh, it's going to be alright.. you're safe here with me" Kyle whispered, after immediately pulling the kid to his chest for a snug embrace.
Still with the hyperventilating, the only solution Kyle found was to distract them and to help regulate their breathing back to normal, slowly turning their attention to something else.
"Thank you, dad" was whispered with a yawn. Kyle's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, before he could talk to them again, he looked at the child who was fast asleep in his arms.
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Alejandro Vargas
❥ Alejandro seemed fine around kids, finds them entertaining for the most part since children were never really something he planned on having but he was open for when the opportunity presented itself.
❥ He only ever was learning along the way and was it such a pleasure to do so along with loving you, having said that he's been doing better lately.
❥ Safe to say your sick toddler was in good hands..
Soft cooing with coughs is all Alejandro heard all day, he felt bad about the little one suffering even though it was something small, it's difficult for them to even crawl or move on their own.
You found yourself not being able to comfort your baby, no matter how much you tried to, they won't stop crying.
Luckily, Alejandro was willing to lend a helping hand. He managed to calm their little temper down and rocked them to sleep.
You walked in on him cradling them to sleep, muttering and whispering Spanish to the little one, laughing quietly to himself while he admires their peaceful state.
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Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
❥ Rudy has always wanted children, he used to watch while the children in Las Almas played together in the streets. One of the things he wished to protect about the city.
❥ Then he was given the opportunity to have that kind of family by you. It's almost like his prayers were answered, at any given moment he could lose you and your kid, whether that'd be through danger or an end to you relationship.
❥ What this sweet man wasn't aware of was that he wasn't the only one terrified of losing his family..
Rudy walked into your home hoping to find your kid somewhere in the living room, he thought it was alarming seeing that they weren't in their usual spot playing.
He was about to knock in their bedroom door when the door creaked, giving him a small peek. Soft sniffles, hiccups and hands in their eyes.
"Mija/Mijo, what's wrong?" he asked, he thought it might've been a quarrel between friends or some mean person at school.
"Are you really leaving.. forever..?" They asked, it tugged on Rudy's heart, although some part of him feels so amazing, it was an accomplishment to be cared for by his child.
"Of course not, I promise I'll come back home just for you. And when I do, we'll get to spend even more time together than we have before" The way your little one's eye's light up made Rudy forever sealed to you, he wants this, nothing more and he'll never ask for anything else.
Everything is worth the risk if it was with you if he gets to make you and them happy, anything it'll take..
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Honestly, same..
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brothersfuck · 17 days ago
any thoughts on weecest and dean coming to the realisation he wants to fuck his little sister?
Omg yes yes YES I've been thinking about it so hard and so long that when I came back to check my inbox and saw this I almost passed out [Here's a warning!! this post contains mentions of SA(but not between Sam and dean), please click off if you're uncomfy, thank you!!]
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Dean didn't really realize it just like that one day, it was more of a build up to find the treasure, like a car drive until you reach the gas station kind of realization
Like that one time where John left them alone in a two bed motel and Sam, poor little girl, woke up from a nightmare and shook Dean hard enough to wake him just so she could snuggle under his arm
Whenever that happened, he'd crane his head down and sniff her hair (smells like dandelions and being out in the sun too much, dean told me so), wrap his arms around her body and close his eyes too hard when he'd feel the blood rush down
It couldn't have been his fault, it wasn't his fault, he was a teenager--he had hormones. But hugging his soft twelve year old sister and getting horny over that? He really needed to question his morals. Or maybe he needed a drink, whichever one made the strain in his pants go away first
He tried to cover it up as much as possible, even explaining it to himself the best he could. It was just girls, just girls. He liked girls, he kissed girls; lots of them, so maybe it's just some kind of trigger in his brain to get rock solid when he's cuddling his little sister who's, also a girl?
Whatever. The thing is. Dean definitely wasn't attracted to his little sister.
When Sam turned thirteen, she stopped trying to cuddle up under Dean's arms after nightmares anymore, she'd wake up in cold sweat, grab a flashlight, and read a book in total silence, sat against the corner farthest away from his brother
Dean noticed, of course, like all good big brothers do, and even felt a little disappointed in that. It was a tradition at this point, that he'd be the one to protect her from all the bad, keep her clean and virgin, but he understood that Sam was at that age where things get unbalanced and the world feels too big or the room feels too small so he tries to help out as much as possible
When Sam has questions, he actually answers. What questions he can't answer, he takes Sam to a nearby library and lets her read up on things. When Sam has questions about boys and relationships and love, Dean tenses and sweats. He knows all about relationships and love, hell, he's had some rough make out sessions with girls under the school bleachers so yeah, he knows about love
But boys?
Sam wasn't prepared for that. Sam wasn't prepared for anything, matter of fact, Dean was the only boy aside from dad, maybe, that Sam should ever even talk to! Yes, he was speaking crazy inside his head, but it made no sense to Dean why Sam needed other boys, he was right here wasn't he? Was he a bad older brother? Was Sam getting rebellious?
Was he just jealous?
Sam stopped asking those kinds of questions when Dean stopped trying to steer the conversation to some other topic and outright just started to tell Sam that she wasn't ready. Sam was ready, hell she was thirteen, so what was Dean even worrying about?
This topic led to Sam's first ever late night sneak out, she was secretive, you had to give her that, and extremely quiet--when your father's a soldier you have to learn what wakes him up and what doesn't. She'd been talking to a boy she met behind the school her and her brother go to (for the meantime) and he was just there, reading, away from the noise and sweaty sport kids
Safe to say they got along pretty well, and under the guise of researching on the net about monsters or whatever, she even managed to keep their chats secret from Dean!
When she sneaked out and went to that dark park expecting a scrawny boy to show up carrying books they could both read together, she was right. Nerd kid number one was there, but no books. She greeted him like she usually would and asked where the books were only to be greeted with a harsh grab to the face and a forced kiss, teeth clanking against teeth and her hands trying to push him away. Once. Twice. On the third try, she managed to get him off, but not before he already felt up her chest and kissed down on her neck
Fuck! She underestimated boys at this age, boys and men..she was prepared, she thought she was..and besides, a scrawny kid wanting to kiss and make out? That doesn't fit the criteria at all! And why was he so strong?
The thoughts ran as fast as she did, away from that park, away from that boy, away from the disgusting sensation of hands on her chest. She was mad. And crying. Like having a nightmare
When she got back to the motel room, she didn't bother being quiet. The door handle rattled like an anxious before giving way to a crying, heaving Sam, and this time, Dean woke up to it.
Groggy, yet used to being awakened so suddenly, he caught glance of Sam running up to the side of his motel bed and sniffling out a "Dean, dean...can I please sleep in your bed.."
Dean is ecstatic.
He shushes and coos at Sam, and for once, she lets him. She's so eager to cuddle up against her brother that she doesn't notice the hard bulge pressing against the small of her back, doesn't notice Dean's hand splaying over her stomach, because it's her brother, and her brother would never..
She keeps on crying and eventually, Dean has to ask why she is. She tells him about how she's sorry for talking to a boy behind his back, about how she's sorry she sneaked out and went to meet with him, about how his hands...his lips..
His lips. On hers.
Dean reached the metaphorical gas station, driving his metaphorical car, when his arms tightened around her and comforted her to sleep and his nose stuck to her hair like a claim, like maybe if he held her tighter then what that boy did, stealing her first kiss away from someone who deserved it more, would be erased
Sam goes to school the next day with Dean trailing behind her, and she hears the whispers of other students talking to each other about a kid who went to their school found dead in a ditch and she knows..she knows dean knows she does, and without exchanging a glance, she keeps moving
Because it's terrifying knowing your brother would kill anyone who laid their hands on you
But it's even more terrifying finding out he did it because his hands should be the only ones on your skin
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according2thelore · 20 days ago
Are you still taking asks on your LS/ES verse!Winchesters ? There was a post floating around about how, over the years, Sam and Dean get softer on the memory of their father and John being remembered as almost a "good father" in their 'unique' situation/environment with hunting and stuff.
[Me, being a notorious John hater, lol, would 💯 imagine ES!Sam get so flabbergasted when LS!Sam views John in a more positive light or justifies some of his actions].
ES!Sam: (storming into the room) “You’ve got to be kidding me! I just heard you—you—of all people, defending Dad. What the hell is wrong with you?”
LS!Sam: (calmly looking up from a journal) “Hey, easy there. What’s this about?”
ES!Sam: “Don’t act like you don’t know! You were talking about Dad like he was some kind of hero! Like—like he wasn’t the guy who turned us into soldiers instead of letting us have a childhood!”
LS!Sam: (sighs and leans back) “Sam, I get it. Trust me, I get it. I was angry at him for a long time, just like you are right now. But you’re not seeing the full picture yet.”
ES!Sam: “The full picture? Oh, I see it just fine! He dragged us from town to town, put hunting ahead of everything, made us live in fear of what was out there! You call that being a good father?”
LS!Sam: “No, I’m not saying he was perfect. He made mistakes—a lot of them. But he was trying to keep us alive in a world that wanted to kill us every second of every day. He gave everything he had for that.”
ES!Sam: (crossing his arms) “So that makes it okay? That justifies the yelling, the abandonment, the way he treated you(me)? Or Dean? We were his kids! KIDS!”
LS!Sam: (voice softens) “I used to think that, too. And honestly, sometimes I still do. But as much as I hated the way he went about it, I’ve come to understand that he was… human. Flawed. He lost the love of his life, Sam. Do you have any idea what that did to him?”
ES!Sam: “And that gave him a free pass to ruin our lives!?”
LS!Sam: (shaking his head) “No, it didn’t. And whether you like it or not, we’re here because of him. We know how to fight, how to survive, because he made sure of it. If it weren’t for that, we wouldn’t have saved half the people we’ve saved. Maybe not even each other.”
ES!am: (pauses, frowning) “So you’re saying we owe him for screwing us up???!!”
And like maybe the argument escalates until both Deans overheard them and have to rush over and restrain ES!Sam before it gets physical!
But these are just how I'd imagine the event would have played out, of course. What are your thoughts on it ?
hi, anon!
i am ABSOLUTELY still taking ES/LS verse requests! i love these silly little guys very much, and i'm so glad to talk about them!!!
as to your question, YES!!!!!! i've written two things (here and here) about the ES/LS boys talking about john, and there is definitely a culture shock, as they kind of flip-flopped about their opinions on john as the show goes on.
charlotte & i feel very lukewarm-to-negative about john. did he do his best? i think he did. was his best good enough? no. he wasn't a supervillain but he wasn't a great dad, either, lol. did JDM do a great job as an actor? yes.
much like john and mary's marriage, the brothers loving their dad became easier when he's dead. sam becomes more forgiving of their father as he gets older, as seen in the episode where he sees him face-to-face as an adult in his thirties.
on the other hand, dean becomes less and less forgiving of his father, going from "dad is a beacon of what is right and you (sam) are wrong to question that" to "i could never be a child, because i had to be both a mother and a father growing up to keep sam safe."
they end up, ironically, in the middle. very much: dad was imperfect, but he did what he could, and (if they're generous) he did he best. their reunification with him is tender, and apologetic.
NEOWWW, ES!Sam and ES!Dean are on complete polar opposites of this. dad is wrong, or dad is right, and there is no in between.
so, as you pointed out, ES!Sam and LS!Sam butt heads about this almost immediately. for ES!Sam, LS!Sam is a completely different beast. he didn't go back to school, he lives in a windowless underground bomb shelter, and he clearly has no problem replicating their militaristic, sparse upbringing.
for someone who is so headstrong and defiant, this feels like an ultimate betrayal for ES!Sam, which is why i think they don't get along very well.
i COMPLETELY agree with how you wrote it!!!! LS!Sam, who has lost dean and hurt a lot of people because of it, can sympathize a lot more with john's complete shut-down. hell, we're talking about a sam who, post-mystery spot, lived and breathed the hunt, and bought dean's meals for sixth months while not eating any of it. we're talking about a sam who kidnapped and locked an innocent, screaming woman in the trunk of his car and then bitched for miles about how loud her crying and pleas for help were. then took her out and killed her. he has SEEN and DONE a lot of stuff that would absolutely baffle and terrify ES!Sam.
ES!Sam doesn't even have the scope to understand that yet, and as someone who just lost someone he very, deeply loved to "the life," and who has come off of four years of not salting his windows and worrying about his calc final instead of getting his head ripped off, is incredibly resentful of john and their lives. and i think if you told ES!Sam some of the other stuff john got up to (e.g., the entirely separate mulligan family he had going, leaving dean at sonny's, the last thing he told dean, etc etc etc) he would be even MORE unforgiving and furious at their father.
the scale has changed dramatically, is what i'm saying, haha.
i 100% back up how you wrote their confrontation! you captured their voices & opinions really well! thank you so much for writing in, anon!! i really enjoyed reading this, and loved hearing from you!!! mwah!
[ES/LS verse masterlist/explanation]
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themultifandomgal · 2 years ago
Tommy Shelby- Old Love Pt4
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Pt1 Pt5
I wake up the following day to Charlie jumping on the bed
"Mummy wake up wake up. Nanna has made breakfast!"
"Hmmm 5 more minutes"
"No mummy come on you need to get up" Charlie pulls the bed sheet off me
"Ok I'm up" I slowing get out of bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Charlie takes my hand and pulls me downstairs to the kitchen. He sits down next to my dad and I sit next to him. Mum places a plate of food in front of me
"Thank you" I give her a smile
"So have you decided if we're going to Polly's?" dad asks me
"Not sure. Is it a good idea? Tommy and I have only just reconciled"
"I think it will be good for Charlie" I look down at my son who's stuffing his mouth with his food
"Slow down Charlie" I scold Charlie
"Sorry mummy"
"I just don't want Charlie to be in the middle of whatever is going on"
"Sorry to say this love, he already is"
I decide that we should go and have diner that day at Polly's. So knocking on the door with Charlie in my arms was super nerve racking. Polly opens the door and smiles
"Aunt Polly" Charlie opens his arms out for Polly to take him
"Hi Charlie are you hungry?"
"Yeah let's go" I chuckle at Charlie and follow Polly into the house. The first to greet me is Arthur by pulling me into a massive hug. Next is John then Finn and Micheal. The final person to greet me was Tommy
"Thank you for coming"
"I'm doing this mainly for Charlie"
"I understand"
"Mummy hurry up I'm hungry. Uncle Arthur is already putting food on his plate. He's going to eat it all!" Charlie runs back into the dinning room
"We err best go and sit down" I give Tommy a small smile and follow where my parents and Charlie have gone. I sit down next to Charlie while Tommy sits opposite us. Johns kids and his wife are dotted around the table
"Mummy can you help cut up my chicken?"
"Of course I can" I take his knife and fork in my hands and cut up his food
"So YN are you moving back to Small Heath?" Arthur asks
"I don't know yet. We will see. I see the betting shop is doing well"
"Yeah it is" there's an awkward silence between us all.
The rest of our meal was quite awkward with a lot of small talk. I watch as Charlie and Johns kids all run around the garden when Tommy walks up to me
"Dinner was a little awkward wasn't it?"
"Just a bit" I chuckle
"He's grown since I last saw him"
"Been eating his greens, unlike his father"
"Don't like vegetable"
"I know. You never did" I finally look up at Tommy who's still watching Charlie play "Tom?"
"Hmm?" Tommy now looks at me
"Yesterday Charlie asked me if you still loved us. Hearing him say that broke my heart"
"I've fucked this up haven't I?"
"We both have" I shrug
"How do I repair our relationship?"
"Be his dad. Go play with him" I nod towards Charlie
"He will tell you, be glad he's not a girl else you'd be playing as a princess" I say making us both laugh "you know he loves horses, bond over that. Take him to Charlie's yard to meet the horses"
"Can I have him for the day tomorrow?"
"Don't you need to be at the betting shop?" I ask frowning
"Polly's in charge tomorrow"
"Then you are more than welcome to have him"
"Would you like to join us?"
"Oh I don't know"
"You don't still have a fear of horses do you?"
"Maybe" I chuckle
"Then you definitely need to come with us tomorrow"
"I don't have any boots with me" I try to get out of going to the farm
"I'm sure Ada will let you borrow hers"
"No buts. Your coming with us tomorrow"
"Fine, but I'm not ridding" I cross my arms
"We will see"
We continue to watch Charlie and the kids playing until it was time to leave Polly's and go home
"Mummy will we live with daddy again?"
"I'm not sure baby" I say tucking Charlie into bed
"I'd like to live with daddy again"
"Maybe one day we will, but even if we don't, daddy will always love you and so will I"
"I love you too mummy" I bend down and kiss Charlie on the forehead
"Goodnight baby. Sweet dreams"
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swifty-fox · 7 months ago
Re: the last KFAK ask about kids: the babies in KFAK verse get me so emotional bc I know Gale would be stressed trying not to be his father but his father but also those kids have 4 parents they will be so loved. And you mentioned this in another post that the kids do make it harder sometimes bc like…kids have big mouths (I say as someone with much childcare experience) but also it’s a great excuse for John and Irene to be around more. Bc they can me like “yes we tried for kids but :((( sadly :((( we were not blessed. But our best friends :))) are so nice :)) and their kids fill the ‘void’ in our lives :)))”
Ugh I just love the KFAK verse I keep thinking upon it I really do
their kids are sooo loved and yeah Gale definitely works himself up a Lot worrying over what happens if he gets frustrated or loses his temper. Even realizing his own actions re. the gemran kid or in kfak his actions towards james, ptsd driven as they were, really have him scared about the kind of dad he's gonna be. Spends a lot of time telling himself they'd be better off with John as their dad
Of course he's wrong, his whole family (irene, marge, john) knows he's gonna be a good dad and he is, he's so good.
And yes that's absolutely how they frame it haha but childcare was soo different back then, community raising of kids was so common my Nana routinely left her kids with families she barely knew when sick or traveling (my dad got left at a convent once?? lmfao they Loved Him There he was still an infant my nanas pretty sure he wasn't put down Once the whole time) And my nana when she was about 13 took over caring for her aunts kids for a couple weeks.
A close friend and his wife who live on ur property and help run ur farm also helping out with the kids is...so deeply logical and normal.
John totally is like "yeah i lost the ability to have kids...in the war... :( " and then gets cooed over by all the church ladies
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remdeans · 6 months ago
tell me…….. about having bobby as a father……… what was that like :3
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omg hiii elle!!
okok so i know canonically bobby never had kids because he was scared he'd turn out like his dad BUT i think he would've been a great girldad . like obviously he wouldn't be perfect because no parent is perfect . but he'd be good and loving. maybe a little overprotective over his baby girl, but that's fair after what happened to his wife (she's still killed by a demon in my timeline, so rem never knew her and was raised by just her dad)
but yeah . i feel he'd parallel sam and dean's dad in the way that where john went wrong, he'd father her better (i'm so great at words) . which is to say, he wouldn't raise her into the hunter life but he would of course explain to her what really happened to her mom when she's old enough to understand and tells her about the lore . and when she's at a reasonable age, he'd teach her how to use a gun and defend herself from monsters in case he's not able to since he's still a hunter. but he tries not to bring that stuff home and would probably go out on hunts less with a kid, preferring to stay home with her and just answer calls and give hunting advice. but if he does go out on hunts, he'd leave her with Jody or another hunter friend until he gets back
he's also definitely the type of dad to help with homework and get confused and a little pissed off because "it wasn't like this when I was your age" .
rem was kinda more tomboyish being raised by just her dad though (i'm also "tomboyish" but that's not the point) . but bobby would make sure she had Barbies, my little ponies, maybeeee spoiled her just a little bit (Dean definitely still makes fun of her for being a Daddy's girl and mockingly calls her "Princess") but he just wanted her to have a better childhood than he did . he'd also take her hunting (as in deer hunting, but only once because it made her cry) and fishing and play catch because he's not entirely sure how to raise a little girl but he's trying his best
for this reason, she had issues making friends in school and was often outcasted, so sam and dean were the only ones who could really understand her growing up .
i think he'd still have a bit of a problem with alcoholism because that kind of thing doesn't just go away like that. but I could see him accidentally raising his voice once and working on himself because he doesn't want that for his kid
TLDR; not perfect but he tried his very best
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mrsparrasblog · 10 months ago
Hellloooo finished your Makarov x Price's daughter reader ficcc, I loloveee it, but I wanna ask some questions (pls ignore if you want)
1) What makes Price neglected his daughter in the first place? Does Price harbor some distasteful feelings ? because as far as I know Price seems to give Tina enough attention she needs, so it's definitely not the military
2) What task 141, Laswell, Nick think about the reader, the whole neglecting and the kidnap of course? (Especially with Laswell because as far as I remember Laswell is mentioned as the reader's aunt, so she probably knows the reader ever since she's a little girl )❤️❤️❤️
3) and lastly I really want to know how old Tina might be? And what does Tina and the step mother think about what happened to the reader because, without the Stockholm syndrome I'm pretty sure it's pretty awful
That's all thank you very much. I love your au, it fuels my brain rot so much❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😖😖😖
So first of all, thank you. When someone takes the time to comment or send an ask, it makes my day. I'm just a big softy.
So, I don't know, the story isn't completely finished; the Makarov ending will be added soon - I'll try to write it, but I'm never satisfied and end up deleting it, lol.
1.) So it was mentioned that the reader was born when Price was still a teenager. To be honest, he didn't want her in the first place; he had plans and everything, but when she was born and looked so small, father's love kicked in hard. It is easier, though, to care for a child with someone together when you're older than when you're alone, still a teenager, and at the beginning of your career. So it's not that he hates her; I'd say, even, she's his favorite in some weird way he doesn't admit. The other thing is, Reader mentions Tina is so cool, while she's a hyper-fem nerd, I'd say, based on her interests. John doesn't get these things. And being cool is a subjective opinion; Tina is bad in school, skips school, smokes joints, while the reader gets straight A's and the only thing she does wrong is sleep with older men. So he thinks he doesn't need to look over her as much as he needs to look out for Tina.
2.) 141: Only Simon knew he had a daughter; Cap is very private, so no one does anything to his girls. Well, didn't work out, did it? He keeps her especially away from Gaz and Soap. Reader is like in her early 20s, so a similar age to Soap and Gaz. No way he introduces his beautiful daughter to them; he treats them like sons, but they're still not good enough, lol. I think Simon gets the Captain's pain the most and tries his best to help the Cap.
Aunt Kate: She has a major soft spot for Reader, exactly like her wife. Kate's wife screamed at John once for neglecting her. Kate isn't very fond of kids, but Reader is and always will be the exception; she sees her like a daughter. And when she got kidnapped, it broke her, her wife even more. She didn't show anyone, but she was devastated, cried. She accepts the fact that Reader is dead and doesn't hold hope like John. She works in the CIA; she knows that being held hostage is sometimes a worse fate than getting killed.
Uncle Nik: He was always the funny Russian uncle, the one who dances at parties (Uncle wowa style). Russian people know what I mean. He was sad that it happened to someone so nice like Reader. When he found out about Makarov, he wasn't surprised, honestly.
3.) Tina is in her early teen years. So Tina is sad and feels guilty that she was gone for three months, and no one told her Dad. Stepmom, well, she says she doesn't really care since she has a bad vibe with Reader. But when she finds out she didn't just run off, she got kidnapped, she felt incredibly guilty and looked out more for Tina than she did before.
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jerzwriter · 2 years ago
Reset - Character Profiles: Tobias Carrick
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"Wait," the young boy wailed as he ran to the front of the palatial home. Pulling the heavy drapes to the side, his tiny hands made a futile attempt t open ornate windows. "Come back!" he cried, though they didn't hear.
"Tobias!" A kind-faced older woman ran after him, a bit winded as she attempted to catch up to him. "Tobias, come here, child. I've got your favorite cookies baking in the kitchen, and...."
"I don't want cookies!" he said as his lip began to quiver. "I want my Mom! I want my Dad!"
Abigail squatted beside the lad, scooping him up in her arms. "I know you do," she sighed, placing a loving kiss atop his head. "But your father was called away on business unexpectedly...."
"Mom wasn't!" He interrupted.
"No, but she needs to accompany him. It's only for a couple of days, they have assured me of that. We'll eat up those cookies and have such a good time, and they'll be back before you know it!"
"But they didn't even say goodbye!" he cried.
Abigail held the boy against her shoulder; she didn't want him to see the anger so plain on her face. She had made a career of covering their tracks when they mistreated their son, but she didn't have an answer for this. What kind of parents take off without even a word to their child?
"They thought you were sleeping, love," she whispered. "That is all. But they'll call as soon as they can, and even if you're asleep, I'll wake you to speak to them. I promise."
His little arms squeezed her tighter, and she had never felt such relief when she saw him smile as he pulled away. A smile that grew exponentially with his next sentence.
"So, Abby, when will my favorite cookies be ready?"
"Well, not long at all," she assured taking him by the hand. "What do you say we go to the kitchen and check on them right now."
All characters will have somewhat different backgrounds in this universe. Learn more about Tobias's below.
In this universe, Tobias is an only child. His parents are deceased; they died when their private jet crashed upon take off after the scene above. Tobias was seven years old. (I have not named them, but I cannot make it my beloved Charles and Vivian from canon!)
When they were alive, they were not very good to him. Like many extremely wealthy parents, their interests were centered on their business and social lives. Their main interest in their son was that he have the "proper" future.
He inherited his parent's estate upon their death, and it was put in trust for him until he was 21. His father's brother and wife oversaw the affairs, but he was raised by his nanny, Abigail Edwards, who loved Tobias like he was her own. Tobias lived alone in his big house with Abigail and some other staff until he began residing at Bellmont Hills Boarding School.
He was at Bellmont Hills from 7th - 12th grade, residing on campus five days a week and returning home to Abigail on the weekends. Tobias was an excellent student, but he was often involved in mischief. Mischief was overlooked because of the large endowment left to the school by his family.
Tobias's family estate was in Weston, Massachusetts, about 15 miles outside of Boston. Tobias was always very hesitant to move far away. Being near made him feel some form of connection to his late parents. As a result, he chose to attend Harvard, only deciding to attend Johns Hopkins because they had the best program for his field... and being the best was of paramount importance to him.
Tobias was definitely a "poor little rich boy." While Abby and some other longtime staff loved him like family, his own family really had little use for him. He knew his parents wanted him to be "the best," and that became his life obsession.
Beginning in high school, he was quite promiscuous. A lot of that stemmed from looking for love and attention. However, quantity and not quality of relationships seemed to be his driving factor. When we meet him, he has had a few significant relationships in his lifetime, but none lasting longer than two years. He has more or less sworn off the idea of ever having a serious relationship. Marriage, children, and all the trappings that come with that are not on his horizon.
Ethan was his first friend that was not from his economic strata, and it was life-changing. Tobias saw another way of life, often spending weekends in Providence with Ethan & Alan. The two were like brothers, and Tobias was fiercely protective of him... until their competitive natures turned their relationship toxic.
In this world, Tobias dated Diana during their time at Hopkins. It was the first time he was truly in love, and Ethan was a big factor in their demise (more to come). Tobias was furious and never forgave either of them. Most of the personal growth he had experienced during his time at Hopkins was undone after this. Leaving him much more shrewd and calculating in all aspects of his life.
He does try his hand at a serious relationship or two after Diana, but after they fizzle, he swears off of them for life.
Tobias's family was very tied to Mass Kenmore, and he is practically royalty there. That said, he works his ass off and is an excellent physician/director, but there is very little he couldn't get away with because of who he is.
While seeking to one-up Ethan isn't his main focus in life, Ethan is his nemesis, and he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to do so.
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c0mplex-heroes · 26 days ago
Let's learn more about Maggie Rogers and Steve (w/ a lil added Peggy)
⟢⋱⟡☾ a collection of asks for OCs belonging to specific fandoms
How does (canon character) feel about your OC?
Steve adores his granddaughter, he would do anything for her. He taught her a little of how to dance, guided her when she needed to hide her powers and always told her stories of his adventures with the Avengers. He takes pride in her following in his footsteps but still worries about her.
Has your OC ever made (canon character) laugh? / What about cry?
Laugh plenty, Maggie spent a lot of time with Steve growing up. With her dad deployed with the army and her mom working nights at the hospital, she often stayed over at her grandparents. Most of the time with Steve as Peggy was usually tied up with affairs with SHIELD. Whenever Maggie cries it upsets Steve - seeing her grieve her father was heartbreaking for him.
Do your OC and (canon character) ever cross paths?
All the time. After her dad died, her and her mother moved in with Steve and Peggy.
Which canon character respects your OC most? What gained that respect?
Steve definitely respects her, as does Peggy - they are proud of their granddaughter. Sam, Bucky and Torres also hold a lot of respect through working together on missions and becoming friends.
Which canon character does your OC respect a lot?
Both Steve and Peggy. Maggie respects them dearly and has spent her entire life trying to live up to their legacy. She also holds a lot of respect for Sam and Bucky, as both her grandfather's friends and eventually her own.
Does your OC have a crush on anyone?
Does Benn Roth count? 👀 ( @lightinthesand ) - not a canon but me and Elle have some shippy threads going with our girls.
Who would probably have a crush on your OC?
With the exception of Benn... I'm not sure. Although I did have a funny idea of her meeting Johnny Storm (from the new movie due in July) and Johnny trying to flirt with her - Maggie's oblivious and he has no idea that she's gay.
Who would your OC most likely to get a puppy-crush on?
Right now she's got eyes for Benn... But other than that I could picture Valkyrie flirting with her and Maggie losing her mind. (She's not good with flirting at all, especially when it comes to beautiful women).
Who would your OC say is their best friend?
She has an old friend called Jerry who she knew in the army, he was the first one outside her family to know about her powers. Other than him it would be Sam, Bucky and Torres - she loves them like brothers.
Who would call your OC their best friend?
Her old friend Jerry for sure and I could picture Torres too.
Who has brought your OC to tears before?
Steve, when they shared their grief over her father's loss and then eventually Peggy's (I imagine he might have been the one to tell her she was gone).
Who has your OC made cry?
Her father and Peggy, when they died.
Is there someone your OC didn’t like at first, but then got along with later?
John Walker. I feel like she would be upset like Sam & Bucky were over him having the shield. But with time she'd understand it wasn't Walker who made that call, and well he's not a bad person just troubled. I'm sure she'd sympathise with the loss of his friend, Lemar. Maggie knows all too well how war can change people. Plus I envisioned her getting involved with Thunderbolts shenanigans so 👀
Is there someone your OC liked at first, but then grew to dislike?
I wouldn't say dislike per say, but I imagine she'd be angry with Sharon lying about being the power broker.
Who does your OC hate?
Hydra. Corrupt governments. ( And if I add my ideas for a Dottie AU, it would be Dottie Underwood and Leviathan - I kind of wanna make her and Maggie rivals/enemies like Dottie was with Peggy).
Who does your OC love? (Platonically)
Her friends. Jerry, Torres, Sam and Bucky.
Who does your OC love? (Family)
Steve, Peggy, her parents. Sharon. And I would count Bucky in the family category too. Probably Sam too with Sarah and the boys.
Does your OC love anyone? (romantic)
Canon wise no. OC wise, things are unfolding with Benn so ..
Has your OC ever had to let a canon character down easy?
Has your OC ever been rejected by a canon character?
Did your OC bear witness to anyone’s full character arc?
Not fully no, she's seen glimpses of Steve's life in the present before going back into time to Peggy. But more on the outskirts, unable to let him know she exists.
What is the worst thing your OC does in their story?
Killed in combat. Also if I add the Dottie ideas, she came very close to killing her in cold blood.
What is your OC’s ‘‘darkness moment’’ in the plot?
Fears over having to bury everyone she loves because of her slowed aging, she's afraid of outliving them all. If we're counting Dottie ideas, trying to murder her out revenge for Dottie killing her friend, Jerry.
What is your OC’s redemption moment?
Trying to do better and give up control, embracing every moment she has with her loved ones and not dwelling on the what ifs. Also if including Dottie ideas, it would be sparing her life and sending her to prison instead.
Is there a canon character that your OC needs to ask forgiveness towards?
Maybe Steve. Or any of the guys (Sam, Bucky, Torres). She has a bad habit of trying to handle her messes alone, especially if it could get her arrested. She doesn't want to risk them getting arrested too.
Is there a canon character your OC needs to forgive?
Maybe Sharon. I would imagine Maggie would be upset with her lies about being the Power broker.
Is there a canon character who would die for your OC?
Is there anyone who your OC would die for?
Yes. Her entire family (mother, father, aunt(s) ), Steve or Peggy or Sharon. Or Sam or his family. Or Bucky or Torres or Jerry. Or any other good friends or loved ones she makes along the way. (Would also include Benn too)
Tagged by @captainrogers-thepatriot (thank you!)
I would imagine Steve or Peggy. Bucky too, I could see him being very protective of his best friend's granddaughter. Same with Sam. And possibly Torres too.
Tagging anyone who wants to steal this for their oc!
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astradreaming · 2 years ago
Hey^^, so I read your dad ghost x daughter reader, and I really enjoyed it, so I wanted to ask if you could write general headcannons for x daughter reader. It doesn't have to be ghost specifically if you'd rather write for someone else.
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hii :D I did all of 141 so apologies that it took so long :) ♡ Hope you enjoy it! Have a good day/night lovely's ♡
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley:
I am 100% biased but he'd be the best dad ever. (even if in the beginning he didn't believe it)
Definitely got closer to you as you grew up, like from the age of about five he became your bodyguard/buddy but before that, he just saw you as this small fragile thing that would break if he moved the wrong way. It wasn't until you'd come back inside from playing with a bloody knee from scraping the pavement saying how you hoped you'd get a 'cool scar like daddy's ones' did he realize you were your own little person now.
He'd teach you everything he could, how to defend yourself, football (soccer), anything and everything he could.
He'd be so gentle even after you'd grown up. He wants to shield you from the world, from the bad in it. 100% did everything he wished his father would have.
He'd be so overprotective for your whole life doesn't matter if your five or 25 he's still by your side being 'scary dog privilege' aka scaring anyone in your general field of view.
He'd never let you have boys over.
If he did let them study (BIG IF), he'd be there lurking around the living room (where he'd force you to stay). I'd be very surprised if any boy stayed longer than 20 minutes before backing out even if you were just friends Ghost is just too scary. If however, a boy can deal with the death glares and snarky mumbles, Simon didn't know whether to have slight respect or even more worried. 'Damn kids got balls... the fuck am I gonna do now, that usually works'. 😧🤺🤺
I can imagine how if you got into trouble for standing up to some bullies (totally not based on a story I'm currently making👀) where the headmaster had to call Simon in it'd be hilarious. A squeaky old headmaster ranting about the rules you broke to a 6'4 military man who didn't see anything wrong with what you did.
100% if you got in a fight he'd be the 'who won?' parent.
John 'Soap' MacTavish:
Soap, your dad? Nah that's your best friend.
He's the dad who just can not remember any of your friends. 'Oh hi, nice to meet you!😁' 'Dad you've met them before. We've been friends for the last 5 years🤨' 'Oh. Really?'
When you were little he got you both matching outfits <3
He goes all out on every holiday no matter what. Decorates the house, buys all the food for the holiday, dresses up every time, and forces you to join him.
He's the dad that is SO easy to talk to about absolutely anything. Even if it's something you're not allowed to do; if you had a crush and wanted him to drive you to the movies if you sneak out and have no ride home. If you called him, he doesn't care whether it's 6pm or 4am he's picking you up and getting food on the way home.
Personally, I think he's a very chill dad if he knows/ finds out you're doing something he told you not to, he just settles with the fact that you felt comfortable enough to tell him anyway. Tries to prioritize your relationship with him rather than being the 'normal' strict parent.
Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick:
I imagine Dad!Gaz was a young single dad, who barely knew what he was doing.
He'd be the guy to call his mother/sister/grandmother 24/7 asking 'hey uh she rolled over in bed idfk if that means something!?!?' at like 3am
he'd be SO worried about you as a baby, something that fragile... he definitely had nightmares about dropping you or sum.
He 100% is the type to record EVERYTHING his little girl does, showing them to the team.
When she's a teenager, he definitely acts more like a best friend than a dad,
however, if you're having trouble at school with bullies or someone breaks your heart, it's scary how quick he can turn from bestie 🤪✌️ to Sergeant Kyle Gaz Garrick 👺💪.
Will support you on ANYTHING. That man is on your side, no doubt. Want to take ballet classes? he'll pay sweetie. Want to play a sport instead? He'll be there watching as much as he can. Failing classes? He's right next to you trying to help. Want to drop out? He'll help you look for a first job. Whatever it is, he's there with you<3
Captain John Price:
100% gave you some of his beer or bourbon to try when you were like 8 years old, 'aye you asked for some, didn't say it was gonna be good.'
Very sweet dad tho. Makes sure you have everything you need. Whether it be your favorite snacks while doing the shopping or making sure that one stain is out of your favorite sweater.
Sucks at helping you with your homework. 'What do you mean that's not how you do it anymore? How can they change math?'
Will accidentally make you cry trying to help understand math questions... you know what I'm talking about.
Learns all your best friends' names, is the best host for having a sleepover (all your friends always want to stay at your place). Has snacks for you all, always gets takeout for you and your friends, lets you stay up if y'all wanted to, 'your fault if you all feel like shit in the morning'. Makes waffles in the morning (or pancakes if ur lame 😒)
Protective over you with boys but not nearly as much as Ghost. He'd give you the least awkward sex talk than all the others. 'just remember I was your age once too- Haha yes a long time ago.'
Would definitely show you off to Laswell showing her all the 'facebook mom' photos he'd taken of you.
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atduhton · 11 months ago
her brother's her best friend. maybe that's sad, or pathetic. but that's how it's always been, beth's whole life. lee's always been there. ( the one time he wasn't had royally fucked her life over beyond any recognition, but that wasn't his fault . . . truthfully, a bitter pill to swallow, it was hers ) shrug follows question posed, one shoulder lifting and falling heavily as she continued to pace. " didn't see 'im, " yet unspoken. it's inevitable. beth and rip. she's here, he's here- their paths will cross, they always do. but beth can walk away, rip would never. all teeth crooked grin flashes at lee with a cock of her head and a sickly sweetness she's grown far too good at faking. " you're always first - that's a lie, gator's first. obviously. "
teasing grin falters at his own visible response to her mentioning their father. she loves john. beth is the textbook definition of daddy's girl, without the princess complex. but he was not father of the year by any means, and even she couldn't escape the hold he had on his children unscathed. " i'll tell him, " she promises, bottle in hand and motioning with one finger, drawing a cross over her heart. it's the best she'll give right now. smile returned at his words. she could admit, if she missed anything about home, it'd be lee. pleased smirk replaces gentle smile as beth waved the now empty bottle in hand at him, urging him to take it without outright asking him to.
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" oh yeah - boring is one thing i ain't EVER been called, " she quipped proudly. beth's brand of chaos was entirely her own. good luck to anyone who tried to tame it. her eyes rolled. " ugh, kid ? you're startin' to sound like him - i'm doin' fine, dad. fuckin' peachy, like always. " she's not lying . . . she's not telling the truth either. " actually, i could use another drink. "
@duhton. he can't help the smile fixing 'pon his lips as beth moves back and forth, claims the space as her own. far as he can remember, beth's always liked to focus everyone's attention on her — maybe growing up a girl surrounded by three brothers and a bunch of ranch hands will do that to you — but the tendency most likely increased after evelyn passed. but hell, what does he know? generally speaking, shit hit the fan right then and there for most of them. it's his turn to lift the bottle and down a heavy mouthful. ❝  he knows you're back already? or d'you come to see your cherished big brother first?  ❞
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teeth bite down his lower lip, chew on a bit of dead skin at her comment about their father; from afar, he's the pristine image of the perfect, all - american dad. four kids, traditionalist, involved in the community, dead set on wild life preservation .. yet all of his children know the truth for what it is, and all four of them are caught navigating the treacherous waters of his whims. ❝  i do miss you.  ❞ he's not ashamed to say what she already knows and needs to hear. ❝  place is fucking boring without you. always has been.  ❞ he's smiling again, a nostalgic grin as he cocks his head to the side, notices she still likes to go all in when she drinks. ❝  how you doin', kid?  ❞
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slutforsilverfoxes · 3 years ago
All I Ask
"Hey, Mr. McGarrett," you called out a soft hello, dropping your backpack just inside the back door of your boyfriend's home.
He looked up from the beer he was nursing at the sound of your voice, his small smile not quite reaching his red-rimmed eyes. You walked over to the head of the table and leaned down to hug him, pressing a kiss to the cheek of the man you expected to one day call your father-in-law. "Some days feel okay, and then some days it feels like your world is shattering all over again," you offered gently, speaking from the experience of losing your mother last year. While nothing could ever fill that cavernous space in your heart or ease the immense grief that accompanied losing a parent, at least your mother's passing was gradual, her war against cancer allowing you to somewhat prepare yourself for the worst.
The McGarrett household had not experienced such fortune.
"Today's definitely an earth-shattering day," he nodded, squeezing your hand as it rested on his shoulder.
"I'm a really good listener, Mr. McGarrett," you pulled the neighboring chair out from its spot nestled against the table and took a seat, "if you or Mary ever need someone else to talk to."
He patted your hand on the table and gave it a small squeeze in response. Like his son, he used his actions more than his words to convey his true emotions. Realizing that you had yet to see the handsome brunette, you asked his father, "Did Steve come home from practice yet? He seemed pretty distracted today, fumbling some of his plays."
“Shower,” he responded, tilting his head toward the staircase leading to the upper floor of the house.
Your boy was Kukui High's star quarterback, arguably the best one to ever grace the field. You loved watching him play, so confident, so masterful, so effortless, and getting to cheer him on from the sidelines with your squad. Watching him practice was amazing (you'd had a teammate's pompom thrown at your face on more than one occasion for drooling over getting distracted by his agile form on the field), but game days were your absolute favorite. It had become tradition for you to wear your boyfriend's jersey to school on the big days, feeling like a celebrity as you walked the halls holding his hand and sporting his last name and the number 50 in bright block letters. Despite the challenges the two of you had faced with friendship drama and loss and the general perils of high school, life as Steve McGarrett's girlfriend was incredible.
Until it wasn't.
"What do you mean you're leaving?" you cried out, bottom lip quivering as you connected the dots to John McGarrett's earlier despondence.
"I'm not choosing to leave, Y/N," Steve huffed out, throwing his wet towel on the bed next to you as he pulled clothes out from his dresser. "My dad's sending me off to the Academy and Mary to Aunt Deb because he doesn't want to deal with us anymore."
"Baby," you frowned, shaking out his towel and hanging it over his desk chair to dry, "you can't really believe that."
"It's true," he insisted as he slid his boxers up his toned legs, his jaw working in an attempt to cover his sadness with anger. You walked over to him and wrapped your arms around his waist, sniffling before kissing the beads of water dotting along his back. You pressed your forehead against the space between his shoulder blades, inhaling deeply and trying to commit his scent to memory. Steve felt a rivulet of water running down his back, mistakenly thinking it was from his wet hair and not, in fact, from your teary eyes.
"What am I supposed to do without you?" you whispered softly against his warm skin, unwilling to speak this nightmare into existence at a higher decibel.
Your boyfriend turned to look at you quizzically, his index finger tucking under your chin to force your eyes to meet his gaze. "This doesn't change anything between us, you know that, right?"
"Steve," you choked back a sob, ashamed and heartbroken that you couldn't commit to what he wanted and assumed you'd do, "I can't handle not knowing if you’re safe. I'm sorry, I just can't do it."
"Y/N," he held your face delicately between his large hands, the familiar feeling of the callouses on his palms from weight training and playing football making tears pool in your eyes anew, "I'll only be in California. I can come visit or you can come see me and we'll just pick up where we left off." He pressed gentle kisses to your face, first your forehead, then each cheek, then your nose, and finally settling on your lips. "It'll take some adjusting, but we'll be fine, right?"
"And what happens after that?" you challenged him, desperate for him to understand why you couldn't do long distance, couldn't hold out hope forever.
"What happens after what?"
"So you spend junior and senior year at the Academy, and then what? You join the Army or the Navy? You go out and risk your life and I sit at home like the doting girlfriend or wife or whatever we'll be at that time, just waiting to one day get a call that 'Oh sorry, we're actually sending the love of your life home to you in a fucking pine box'? 'Here's a flag to remember him by, thanks for your sacrifice'?"
"Y/N..." He was frustrated and shocked and hurt and you hated yourself right now, but you had experienced too much pain at your ripe old age of fifteen to voluntarily sign yourself up for more.
"I love you so much, too much, to let you do this to yourself," you sniffled pathetically again, "because your whole life is about to change and you can't be stuck here in the past."
"I don't want you to be my past," he was trying to be strong, but you could tell even in the dim lighting of his room that his eyes were shiny with unshed tears, "I want you to be my present. I want you to be my future."
Your glassy eyes looked up to meet his, and he could see that, for better or worse, you had made your decision.
"Steve," you stuttered out his name in a shaky breath, turning your head to kiss his palms as they cupped your face, "I will never-" You choked on your words, closing your eyes and finishing your thought internally because the pain in his ocean blue eyes was just too much for you to handle. I will never love anyone the way that I love you.
One hand came around to cradle your head as the other pressed against your back, effectively pinning you against him as sobs wracked your body. It was more than just heartbreak; you felt immense guilt at not being able to agree to his wishes. Losing him as a lover was hard enough. You couldn't begin to imagine losing him forever.
And so, knowing that it may very well be your last night with him, you selfishly asked him to make love to you, leaving you with a memory that you could use to get through the hard days and nights sure to come.
Because you would never love anyone else the way you loved Steve McGarrett.
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thegeeksideofsr · 2 years ago
The Daughter
Eliot Spencer x Ford! reader
I had an idea this and I hope it came out ok. I might do more with the two of them in the future.
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Boston had it's ups and downs. The upside was my dad moved back from LA and was just five minutes from my place, living above the pub owned by my best friend's family. The down sides, my dad was still recovering from my half brother's death, and nearly drinking himself to death. Surviving off coffee and take out when I don't cook and leave him with left overs.
I decided to cook for him at least once a week so we can catch up about what happened since he moved to LA and I stayed in Boston. He always says I don't need to, but he's my dad, and we are both still recovering from losing Sam. We may not see eye to eye on everything, but we still get along pretty well, and it's nice having company sometimes.
I was supposed to have dinner with him last night, but we rescheduled for today. He said a friend from LA had a musical she was in and he was going to go support her, so we postponed to tonight.
I head over to his apartment around noon with supplies for dinner tonight. As I get to the door I can hear my Dad's voice, along with a few others. A woman's voice, who's words are easy to make out, then mens voices, to low to hear.
I fit the key into the lock and push it open, revealing my Dad in the kitchen holding a coffee mug, a woman sitting on a stool in one of his shirts, man in a green shirt sitting at the table with another man with a laptop, and a nun?
The sound of me coming through the door causes all of their attention to fall on me. The man in green shirt seems to sit up straighter when we make eye contact for a brief second.
I look to my dad, who has a panicked look on his face.
"What's with the nun?"
A stunned silence falls over the room, lasting about twenty seconds, then my Dad speaks.
"I can explain."
"You can? You can explain why there is a nun in your apartment, and well as a woman in your shirt?"
"She's dress like that cause she's doin'a con," the man in green says, gesturing to the nun as he stands from his chair and moves to the counter.
"Eliot." Nate groans.
"Eliot? Is this the team you worked with in LA?"
He hadn't told me much about his friends from LA or about the jobs they pulled, not in great detail, but enough to know that they seem to be good people. And something happened with them and IYS, but he never told me everything.
"That's us," the woman says, getting up from her stool and holding a hand out to me. "Sophie Devereaux."
"It nice to finally put some names to faces. Dad told me about you all."
"Dad? Your Nate's daughter?"
"Yeah. He had me before he and Maggie met." I tell her as I set the bags of groceries on the counter. "What are you all doing here though? I thought Dad was going straight?"
"We are helping the Kerrigan's," the man at the table says, turning away from his laptop. "Nate says he's not gonna help us though."
"The father and daughter he helped? Oh, he's definitely gonna cave. And if he doesn't, I'll force him."
"I'm standing right here," Nate says.
I turn to look at him, trying not to laugh at the look on his face.
" I know."
After the gang introduced themselves, Parker and Hardison left to go the bank Kerrigan worked at, and Dad left me to sort out what I brought for dinner in the kitchen with Eliot and Sophie, while he went to shower, saying he wanted all of the stuff they brought gone when he comes back.
Sophie asked Eliot if he was leaving, to which he answered that he had over three-hundred sports channels, and he wasn't going anywhere, making me chuckle, drawing their attention to me again.
"So, how come Nate was in LA and you were here? And why didn't we know he had a daughter?" Eliot asks.
"He and my mom were together in highschool. They had me their senior year, she didn't want to be a mom that young, so she left me with my dad. I grew up with him and my grandfather. Most of my time was spent at John McRory's downstairs, Cora and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember." I tell them as I put a few things away and start washing vegetables for dinner.
"What about Maggie and Sam?" Sophie asks this time.
"When I was ten when he and Maggie got married. They had Sam a year later. When I finished highschool I got a job here in Boston, and Dad got a job in LA. It was tough, but we made it work. Then Sam's diagnosis."
"I'm sorry about Sam," Sophie says in a gentle tone.
"You said you stayed here for work?" Eliot asks.
"Mhmm. I work at a restaurant. I took a class during highschool, and fell in love with it."
"Oh, you two are going to get along swimmingly," Sophie says, before walking away.
"You cook?" I ask.
"Sometimes. Is relaxing for me."
"Its the same for me."
I grab a knife and hold the handle towards Eliot.
"Care to help prep?"
He nods, takes the knife, then walks around to stand beside me. We work in silence, he chops onions and peppers, making neat piles, while I start on carrots and some potatoes.
He takes a breath to say something, but Hardison and Parker returning with their spoils, interrupt him. Once we finish prepping the ingredients, I dig containers out of the cupboard and we put all the ingredients away so the prep is done for later.
I thank Eliot for his help, then start cleaning up while Hardison sets up a printer in the living room, and connects his laptop to the TV. He starts going through tons of documents and printing them out. Soon he had them allover the living room.
My dad comes back down looking much better then he did, and immediately starts telling Hardison to clean up.
I smile to myself at the banter between them. I'm glad the team is here, Dad is happy too even though he acts otherwise. I wash the last cutting board, then set it to dry.
"Alrighty, I'm off." I walk to my dad, standing on tip-toes to kiss his cheek. " Try not to have a stroke. Eliot helped me prep everything, so all I have to do later is throw it all together."
"Alright. Be safe. And don't let the new guy get to you."
"I won't."
"You're not staying?" Parker asks.
"No. I have a new guy at the restaurant and I have to make sure he doesn't mess up."
I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder as I walk to the door.
"Why is he your responsibility?"
"I hired him. I'm co owner."
I wave one last time, enjoying the look of shock on all of their faces, then head out the door closing it behind me.
Once the last bit of clean up was finished, the lights turned off, and the door locked behind me, I start making my way back to Dad’s apartment. I walk through McRory’s, waving to Cora as I pass through, reaching the elevator and heading to his floor. I fitting my key into the lock once more.
The living room is filled with stuff, Parker is wearing a jacket with massive shoulder pads that looks like it walked out of the 70's. Hardison is sitting in a chair, while Sophie is on the couch and Eliot is standing in front of the TV with an ice pack in his hand, Dad stands in the kitchen sipping yet another coffee.
"Hey, you guys." I say as I walk to the kitchen and set down my bag, catching the tale end of their conversation about the local mob.
A chorus of greetings is the only reply I get before they go back to talking.
"Sophie, how do you catch mob guys?" Nate asks.
"Ahhh, two glasses of Chianti and a story about my grandma in Sicily ."
"How do cops catch mob guys?"
"Taxes." The all reply.
I tune out the rest of the conversation pulling out the containers from the fridge, until dad makes a remark that is down right freaky.
"Your metaphors are creepier when you're sober," Parker says.
"I agree. You haven't said something that weird in a long time," I pipe in.
I get a laugh from Eliot, then my dad starts talking about the con they'd need to run. Hardison reminding him that the con he chose needed five people.
"Come on, Dad, just say yes. You may act otherwise, but this is the happiest if seen you in months."
He looks at me, then the team then nods his head.
"Alright. One job. Then I'm done."
Then he just walks away, without a word. I watch as he walks upstairs.
"Does he always do that?" I ask.
"Yeah." Hardison replies with a smug grin.
"He did miss us." Sophie says as she leans into Eliot's side.
I shake my head and turn back to cooking.
When the food is done, and the table is set, we all sit down and start eating. Hardison loads his plate with food, eating like he hasn't eaten in days.
" Alec, slow down. It's not gonna be taken away," I tell him.
He shakes his head.
" Woman, this is some of the best food I've ever had. It might be better then Eliot's."
"Oh, yeah!" Parker pipes in through a mouth full.
I chuckle at her, then look at Eliot, who's already looking at me with a small smile. We maintain eye contact until my dad asks me a question about work.
I fill him in on how the new guy did, and what we decided to change on the menu. When I mentioned a rather fancy dish, Eliot asked a question about what we use in it. When I told him, he had a look of understanding on his face, a welcome change to the blank looks I get when not talking to a coworker.
We talk about our favorite recipes throughout the rest of dinner, sharing which ones Dad liked, the ones Parker and Hardison's childish tastes actually liked, or the food that Sophie says is better that any of the fancy stuff her mark's thought was worth the price they paid for it. Which recipes we changed and how it turns out.
When we all had eaten, table cleared, dishes washed and any leftovers are put away, I stat to make my goodbyes. I hug my Dad, and bid the rest of the team goodnight.
I gather my stuff and head to the the door. I pull it open, then turn and look at Eliot, who's already looking at me.
"If you ever want to come over and cook, give me a call. I'd love to try some of you food."
"I'll have to take ya' up on that," he says with a smile.
I return his smile then head out the door, a giddy feeling erupting in my chest.
The soft smile remains on Eliot's face as the front door closes. A throat clearing pulls his attention to Nate, who has an annoyed look on his face.
"What?" Eliot asks.
"Don't." Nate growls.
"Don't what?"
"Don't flirt with my daughter. She is off limits."
"I wasn't gonna-"
"Off limits."
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poguestvff · 3 years ago
in which wheezie cameron finds that blood doesn’t make you family, love and affection does.
taglist | masterlist | 2.5k words | @pogueslandia ,
warning(s): food, she/her pronouns, ward slander, a little sarah slander but that’d include reading between the lines. why’d this make me want to make a series of reader and Wheezie being best friends.
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There's always been a heavy feeling of loneliness that rested upon the youngest cameron's shoulders, weighing her down as it seemed to pile over the years. Her siblings were always older, an age gap between them that even if it was shortened by a few years, their worlds would still be two different things. All three of them were in three different stages of life yet somehow it felt like Wheezie wasn't even there at times.
Throughout the entirety of her schooling career so far, everything had somehow been about Rafe and Sarah. Sarah was the perfect one; the paragon who could do no wrong. Even if Sarah tried to disobey, it'd be turned around to be made out as a minute mistake. She'd probably be able to get away with it a second time if she did it a different way. Maybe the same way.
Rafe was quite the opposite. The bastard child who needed a plentiful amount of attention in hopes he can be more like the paragon. With all this attention, his head only grew. It never gave him the space for growth. It minimized the space to stay exactly where he was for years on end.
This left Wheezie to be the ostracized sibling. She wasn't a social butterfly or a poster child like Sarah and she definitely wasn't a loner or the 'damaged goods' child like Rafe. She was just... average. With average grades and an average personality. Just average old Wheezie. She told herself this consistently, watching her father balance his attention between making sure Rafe stayed between the lines he'd drawn for him in a radius such as a dart board and allowing Sarah step out of them, even erasing some of the lines so she could walk on by them without a second thought.
But Wheezie was stuck in that tiny little circle in the middle, the bullseye as if scared to move out of those lines. The one place that was the hardest to pinpoint specifically by her father. But there was one thing Ward Cameron always said correct about his younger daughter. That he wouldn't be able to pin point his little dart of control into the middle of the board because she was misunderstood and misunderstood she was.
Though one person had been able to pick up on every single one of Wheezie's emotions.
Y/n Y/L/N was a pogue who had done tutoring on the side for a little extra money and when John B had recommended Y/n for help with Wheezie's homework, Ward was quick to say okay. He hardly even asked a thing about Y/n, just telling her to help Wheezie pass eighth grade and that was all. It was made very apparent to Y/n that was Wheezie was not as much of a priority to Ward as other things were.
Their first tutoring session, Wheezie was awfully dismissive. She didn't care for any of Y/n's efforts as they sat within the comfort of Wheezie's bedroom. She just wanted the entire hour to be over with the second she'd entered her room but Y/n was insistent, knowing that by the end of the school year she would have something instilled in Wheezie's brain. She just didn't know what that something was yet.
The second time they met, Y/n was more passive aggressive in hopes of breaking down the brick walls Wheezie had stored between her and everyone else in hopes of not disappointing them like the way she thought she'd disappointed her father. Y/n sat her down in her desk chair, swiveling her chair to her as she rested her hands on the younger girls shoulders. "You are going to have a really awkward couple of weeks if you and i don't become friends so no work today. We're playing 20 questions."
That night, Y/n learned a lot about Wheezie Cameron that she never thought she'd learned. Wheezie hated the color purple, she just painted her room that color because Sarah liked that color. Wheezie loved to paint and to draw, it was her favorite activity, she just rarely showed it bevause she hadn't believed in herself. Though, when she showed Y/n the canvas' that were shoved at the back of the closet, Y/n marveled at them. But Y/n's favorite fact, and the same one that almost made her hug Wheezie on the spot, was that she was never taught to swim and Y/n made her a promise that she would teach her.
As the weeks went by, Wheezie waiting anticipatingly for Y/n's beaten down, green ford bronco to pull up on the driveway and she'd leave the house with a giant smile on her face. It’d be early in the morning, a little less than an hour until school started, just like how Wheezie liked. She'd jump in the driver seat, embracing the smell of vanilla from the scented item hanging from the rear view mirror. She’d toss her bag to the back as Y/n would ruffle her hair, just like she had every morning. "And beloved was set in... late 1856!" Wheezie answered excitedly as Y/n drove down the final street towards her school after the two had gotten breakfast together.
"Perfect! You're gonna do so good on your test, Wheeze, I promise." Y/n told her ecstatically as she pulled into a parking space. Just before Wheezie could get out, Y/n held her upper arm just to gain her attention before she got out. "Tell Rose she doesn't have to get you after school. I'll leave school early and you and I are having a girls day. No studying, just me, you and a shit ton of sweets."
Wheezie smiled, she could feel the muscles in her jaw begin to hurt from how wide she had. She tilted her head to the side out of curiosity, eyeing the look of excitement on Y/n's face. "But why?"
Y/n shrugged, adjusting in her seat and fixing her rear view mirror. "Cause, you deserve it. I'm so proud of you, Little W." She told her, looking back towards the girl and seeing her smile slightly drop. "You okay?"
Wheezie couldn't remember a time where she was genuinely told that. Yeah, sure, Ward said it a few times but it'd be in a lousy tone before he'd wave her off, saying he was busy with whatever office work he had to attend to. Sarah may have said it a few times but it was rushed before she'd run after her friends with a quick goodbye to Wheeze, leaving her alone in the sand. It was never sincere. Not in the way Y/n had said it.
She rubbed her hands against her jean clad thighs with a sharp breath before nodding. “Yeah. I've just never really been told that before. Like—Like genuinely." She said, lowly, in hopes Y/n would understand and wouldn't push it.
Y/n had known Wheezie long enough to know her tells and avoiding eye contact was one of the biggest ones. So she didn't indulge further in the conversation, brushing it under the rug but knowing she'd have to go diving back in for that little tidbit later on. Instead she wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug from over the console. "I'll tell you i'm proud of you everyday if i have to." Y/n muttered before kissing the top of her head. "Now go, if you're late to first period, your dad will kill me." And Wheezie was able to leave the car with a smile on her face, already looking forward to the day planned later on.
Y/n was overall consistent, it was one thing Wheezie enjoyed knowing that when she made promises she tried to keep them as best as she could. Sometimes things slipped her mind but Wheezie could recognize that Y/n didn't forget a thing when it came to Wheezie. Like she made sure to engrave bits and pieces of her into her mind like a data chart. But it showed she cared and that was enough for Wheezie.
Y/n cared enough that when she entered her car after school, the smell of her favorite cinnabon's filled the car that made her look in the backseat, seeing a picnic basket. There wasn't a chance, right? You could only get them on the mainland. She turned her body swiftly towards the elder girl who sat with a smirk on her face. "You didn't?"
"I did. Second I left fourth period, got on a ferry just for you to have those overly sweet treats." Y/n said, tapping her nose with a 'boop'! "And I almost got stuck on the mainland because of it so you better enjoy the hell out of them."
"I will, I promise." Wheezie said dramatically as Y/n smiled, pulling out of the parking space to head down to the beach. Wheezie had said she didn't have a bathing suit, not prepared for the outing, though Y/n already said she had ransacked her room for clothes for after. Y/n was the only person allowed in Wheezie Cameron's room without Wheezie being there and the elder girl took pride in it.
As Y/n set up their small area for the few hours, she noticed Wheezie standing just where the water and the sand met. She kicked around the water with clear disinterest causing Y/n to huff, hands on her hips, before tossing off her hoodie to get in. The splash she'd made by pushing herself into the water made Wheezie jump, a laugh falling from the two's lips. "Come on." Y/n said, standing and holding her hands out to Wheezie.
"Y/n/n, I can't swim."
"Y/n/n I can't swim, well, obvi, i know that, little W. But, you have your amazing best friend to keep you afloat. I won't let you go, i swear." Y/n said, holding up her pinky.
"On my life." She reassured with a trusting smile before Wheezie walked further in. When the water had gotten to her above her waist, it'd freaked her out a bit though Y/n talked her through it, coaxing her further in slowly. Wheezie was kept above the water as Y/n held her hands as the buoyancy was used to their advantage. "See, not as bad as you thought?"
Wheezie shook her head though still nervous. "Not as bad, not my thing though."
"Why don't we try actually swimming? I won't force you if you don't want to and we can get back to shore right now but maybe just try?" She asked as Wheezie had to think about it for a moment. She almost felt guilty, remembing just a few months ago when Sarah had asked her if she could teach her but she refused. Though maybe, just maybe, it was because of Y/n being a bit more trust worthy that Wheezie said yes this time.
It took a while, Wheezie was frightened by letting go even as Y/n would say she was okay. Wheezie would tighten her grip on her shoulders before trying again and again until she eventually got it. She finally was able to keep herself above the water without flailing, recognizing that she was okay. Y/n cheered as she watched, not caring for the stares of others around them. "See, dude? You just have to start applying yourself! You did it!"
"I did it!" Wheezie said as Y/n hugged her, the two laughing before Wheezie screamed making Y/n's laughter die fast. "Something touched me!"
"Wheeze, it was seaweed." Y/n said softly before turning and letting her place her hands on her shoulders. "Yeah let's get you out of here before a jellyfish gets you."
Wheezie widened her eyes. "Jellyfish?"
As the sun had began to set and people had packed up their things and left, Y/n and Wheezie stayed. Wheezie was on her fourth doughy treat, even though Y/n told her to slow down two treats ago. Towels were wrapped around each of their shoulders as they watched the pretty colors fade in to one another, a mixture of pink, blue and orange array of colors combining to make a cotton candy sky. Wheezie watched as Y/n got up, accepting a phone call from Ward, the only phone call she hadn't silenced since they'd left the car.
In the time she'd left, Wheezie took advantage of it to recognize how appreciative she was of all that Y/n was doing for her. She came in as a tutor and, to Wheezie, was to stay as a friend. As family. Wheezie was more then ecstatic to have someone who would be there to rant and rave about the other Cameron's, someone she could trust with her secrets and the contents of her always running brain. Someone who was just there.
"Hey, your father would like us back in thirty so we should leave in ten." She said coming back and sitting beside Wheezie as she caught sight of her face, the lack of the smile that was there previously concerning her. "Tell me what's wrong."
"Nothing, really. Just... I really enjoyed today, Y/n. It really lets me know you're not just here for like... like the money or something."
Y/n let out a scoff. "Are you kidding? I enjoy nothing more than watching you freak out over the existence of jellyfish." She joked as Wheezie pushed her to the side with a laugh. Y/n recovered, letting out a content sigh as she tossed an arm over Wheezie's shoulders. "You're stuck with me now, Wheezes. Can't wait to record you falling at your next soccer game."
Wheezie couldn't help the laugh that slipped past her lips, leaning into Y/n's embrace as her head rested against her clavicle. "And I'll be looking for you in the stands, Y/n/n."
Y/n and Wheezie had both found out something about the other that night. Wheezie found that she didn't want to be like Sarah and she was glad she wasn't like Rafe. She was content with her own little circle on the dart board but maybe she could take a bit after her newest role model. And Y/n found that she was able to instill several things into the youngers mind including To Kill a Mockingbird, Inca Civilizations, and that she now had a true and present big sister to look up to.
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